Android Studio Installation in Windows

Welcome back to, today we will start our new tutorial series for those who are new to Android platform.
Today i will briefly introduce the android development platform, then show you how to download,install and run the software.

how to download,install and run android studio

About Android Studio

Before start the installation process, we take a look about android. so guys basically android studio is Google’s officially supported IDE for developing Android Apps.
The current version of android studio is 3.2.1, which was released in October 2018.

Requirement For Windows OS


Let’s start the installation process, first of all we need to download android studio, Click here to download latest version of android studio.

So let’s launch Android Studio.exe,Make sure before launch Android Studio, your System should required installed Java JDK.

1.Set up Android Studio

Set up Android Studio

2. the next dialog box ask  you to want to install the Android SDK and AVD?

android studio download

3.Accept the license agreement to continue installation.

android tutorial

4.The next dialog box invites you to change the installation locations for Android Studio and the Android SDK.

5.Create a new shortcut for Android Studio.

step by step android tutoerial

6.Leave the Start Android Studio check box checked to run this software

splash activity in android

7.Running Android Studio

how to download,install and run android studio

Android Studio presents a splash screen when it starts running:
If you’re like me, and don’t have a previously installed version, you can just keep the default setting and click OK.

Validate your Android SDK and development environment setup.

Choose an installation type

Click Next and verify your settings, then click Finish to continue.

Welcome to Android Studio

Select your target device categories.

Specify an activity template

Next you’ll customize the activity: