generate an array with a range using PHP
Welcome back to, we are starting a new series of PHP interview questions for beginners and experienced,so in previous post we learn, Converting words to numbers in PHP
In this post we see how to generate an array with a range taken from a string.
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function string_range($str1)
preg_match_all("/([0-9]{1,2})-?([0-9]{0,2}) ?,?;?/", $str1, $a);
$x = array ();
foreach ($a[1] as $k => $v)
$x = array_merge ($x, range ($v, (empty($a[2][$k])?$v:$a[2][$k])));
return ($x);
$test_string = '1-2 18-20 9-14';
Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 18 [3] => 19 [4] => 20 [5] => 9 [6] => 8 [7] => 7 [8] => 6 [9] => 5 [10] => 4 )
another way to find range between to given numbers with the help of php predefined function range(), see the below example
$number = range(0,50,10);
print_r ($number);
Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 10 [2] => 20 [3] => 30 [4] => 40 [5] => 50 )