Improve your website Ranking with Social Media SEO meta Tags

Welcome back to, todays post is about meta tags.

Meta Tags are one of the most basic elements of SEO(search engine optimization). The search engines reads the meta tags to get a summarized idea of what your site is about and what exactly your keywords are.Meta tags list your site in Top.Meta tags are located inside your html’s head area.

Important attributes of meta tag:

1. Description – The meta description tag is that put your site’s summary. This tells what your site is all about and what you are offering people. It should not be too long because the search engines only read up to a certain number of words.

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2. Keywords – The meta keywords tag is where you put all keywords you use in your site. Your keywords are important – even if you take away all of the other words, the user should be able to know what your site is all about when they read your keywords.

In above example keywords are meta tags, meta tag in html according to my this post your keywords will be according to your site.
The importance of meta tags is that the search engines read them in order to compare if these keywords and the description are related with the visible content. Meta tags makes your site listing in top. so, properly put the keywords and description. Whenever the user will type his query in address bar query will get match with your meta tags description and keywords. There are many attributes in meta tags you can use them according to your needs.
Few Examples: